
“Get Ready To Be Birthed”

Prophetess Talena Ray has blessed my life. The year of 2004 I met Talena Ray at a State office building in Baltimore Maryland. At that time I had very low self-esteem and did not know my worth. Talena talked to me with boldness but sometimes it was like who she think she was talking to…. God began to show her what was in me that I could not see. So the love of God came through her to shine through my darkness. Somehow I had to yell to the holy spirit that is in her so that God could use her to teach me his word. When she teaches you God's word it is giving to you from the holy spirit not prophetess Telena Ray. God has blessed me with a good friend that I can now call my sister. The ministry that God has given her let it bless you and someone you may know cause she comes to you like a midwife.

Get ready to be birth….

– Tiffany Mccrae

"I’m Glad To Call Her My Friend/Sister"

I am so thankful that God allowed me to meet Apostle Talena Ray back in 2015 at the monthly 2nd Saturday prayer that was held at my home. My life at that time was upside down. My marriage was in a tail spin downward and I was trying to maintain my sanity to care for my grandchildren while my daughter and her then husband served in the US Airforce.

We became prayer partners and our friendship grew from there.

I had never met anyone with such love for God as well as passion and determination to serve and trust him(God) no matter what! Her prayers and listening ears (which I utilized OFTEN) help me maintain and continue pressing forward in God and life. I know she probably got tired of me sometimes lol but it never showed. Heck, I got tired of me often!

Because of the Spirit of God in her that wouldn’t let me quit, I’m still standing today in God and life.

This Woman of God is a GREAT TEACHER of the WORD, INTERCESSOR, and PREACHER! I’m so glad for all of that, but in addition; I’M GLAD TO CALL HER MY FRIEND/SISTER!! I LOVE YOU APOSTLE TALENA!!!

– Simply Amy (Beloved)

“What You See Is What You Get”

Friend, Intercessor, prophet, inspiring, consistent, friendly, encouraging, funny, sincere, uplifting, beautiful, caring and loving are a few adjectives I have seen demonstrated and walked out in Prophetess Talena Ray’s life.

We met around 2003/2004. Over the course of time we became friends. Talena has been such a blessing to my life and my families life. She has helped me navigate thru different situations in my life such as when a witch was trying to kill me. She rallied a group of women together to pray for me. She checked on me regularly to see if there was any change in me. She got in the trenches with me. As you can see I’m still here!

When my husband was sick with pneumonia, she was right with me in prayer praying for him. He recovered.

She prophesied into my children’s lives concerning what God has called them to do in the kingdom also in their personal life. Some of the prophecies have manifested and some are on the way. She has been a true friend who sticks closer than a brother. She is a part of my family. My children and husband love her.

One thing that really blessed me was that she came from Georgia to Maryland to support me when my mother went home to be with the Lord. That meant more to me than she will ever know. This is just a snippet of how she has blessed my life. She is the real deal. There is nothing fake or phony about her. What you see is what you get! We are more than friends we are sisters and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for her if it’s in my hand to do it!!!


– Min Debbie Butler

"That Angel Was Prophetess Talena"

I will never forget sitting in my living room stressed out in a dark place 8 1/2 months pregnant with my 4th child in a marriage that I didn't see was going to make it, with 3 children that were running me crazy. Health issues high risk pregnancy, 35 years old.. I had just gotten off the phone With someone who claimed to be a woman of God but in that conversation I felt like I was going through hell. That conversation had raised my blood pressure through the roof and I was asking God do I really have to continue to live and go through this. I wanted to cry but I did not have the strength all I could do is say Jesus.. After saying Jesus my phone rang and it was an angel. The sweetest voice that made me burst out into hysterical crying and tears of of thankfulness because although I wanted to give up I knew in my heart and in my spirit God had more for me . That angel was Prophetess Talena🙌🏾

All she said was you sound stressed... I broke down crying so hard I couldn't hold it in... see when you're in a dark place it feels like nobody understands you or sees you. Nothing can bring you out.. even being a Christian woman I never thought I could feel that uncertain about life...

When I say I cried for about 40 mins without telling her my issues this woman of God came into the deep end of my sorrow and saved me... she prayed for 40 mins (swimming me back to land) without asking any questions. God used her so greatly on that day.. and here is the thing... she isn't connected to me and we never speak on the phone.. it was nothing but the Holy Spirit that laid me on her heart to reach out to me in THAT moment... im not interested in thinking about what or where I would be without her obedience and willingness to serve... a true Prophetess and a undeniably loving authentic spirit.

Needless to say the enemy didn't win that battle against me and Prophetess Talena was there through the rest of my pregnancy even afterwards to remind me of God's word and promises.

Thanks so much publicly for allowing God to order your steps and not being selfish but obedient at all times. Love you😘💕

– Rashawda Williams

"HE Sent Me To Her"

The journey for me started in September of 2020, by attending a Discipleship class on the Book of Matthew by Prophetess Talena Ray. Since we are women from all different locations, Prophetess Talena never met me, only via our Zoom conferences. I will give you a brief summary of my story and then explain the deliverance and breakthrough process.

A Story, The Journey: I "Dawn", was in a spiritual warfare when I first met Prophetess Talena for 14 yrs and 10 months. This spiritual warfare was wreaking havoc on my life which was affecting my marriage, the health of my family, and my home. I knew the warfare was stemming from my husband's mother, but I wasn't sure the exact root of the problem. I would pray, plead the blood of Jesus, and cry out to God for guidance with no change. I wanted to divorce my husband and so did my entire family and friends, as I knew he was the key to all this, but God wouldn't let me, and I had to trust HIM (Proverbs 3:5-6); it wasn't easy and didn't feel good, but GOD is faithful. My husband's moods would change all the time; he would go from happiness to anger and the tornado in the house could last for weeks, months, and even years on this roller coaster ride. My husband was always fine until his mother called, and then he always became a hateful person. His mother never wanted him to be married, said my husband was her favorite son to a lot of people, tried to turn the family against me, would call every other day, sometimes every day, and would text him all the time, due to her obsession with her son. She even told me she never liked me, wanted her son to divorce me and even though I was pregnant with our second child, he can move back home, and the kids and I can find somewhere else to go. She said she didn't care. My husband doesn't have a relationship with his brother because she severed those ties as well (Romans 16:17). My husband always took her side, and she could do no wrong in his eyes. Even though she treated me harshly (most of the time behind my back), I would always invite her over for holidays, picnics, and birthday parties, and other family gatherings. Although she caused all of this destruction, I always included her (Matthew 5:44-45). I thought to myself, "maybe she will change if she feels the love of Jesus in me (1 John 4:16), but that didn't happen. To be honest, it was really sad to feel that kind of anger from another person; it broke my heart. The love of Lord Jesus our Amazing Savior kept me grounded through it all. I was in a dark place for a long time, so were our children. My health was suffering: severe reflux issues to where I couldn't swallow water; back spasms; and severe pelvic pain issues from the stress. Our oldest son's health was suffering: Had two oral surgeries, which the doctor thought was cancer; Transient Tics syndrome (borderline tourettes); and depression. Our youngest son had night terrors, and couldn't speak until he was 3. I "Could Not" do this without Jesus, nor would I want to; GOD gave me a sense of peace through it all (John 14:27).There is more to write, but I will save that for another time, because the breakthrough of deliverance from our faithful, awesome, amazing, loving, all seeing, and all knowing Heavenly Father is the key to my message.

A blessing of Wisdom by the Prophet of GOD (2 Chronicles 20:20): A friend of mine, who also attended the discipleship class and was kind enough to listen to my venting for years, urged me to contact Prophetess Talena Ray. My friend told me Prophetess Talena was a prophet and intercessory prayer warrior, and she believed in her spirit that the Prophetess can provide sound wisdom and council; as well as prayer. I hesitated because I was new to the group, didn't like to burden people with my problems, and was nervous to reach out to her. Well in October of 2020, I was desperate as the warfare was intensifying, and with Covid going on in the world, things were really bad. I called the Prophetess and she said, "Hello Dawn, before we discuss anything, we are going to pray" (James 1:5). She prayed, and prayed, and what a powerful praying woman indeed (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Philippians 4:6). I tried to listen to her prayers intently, but was overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit upon me during the prayer time. The Prophet told me that the Holy Spirit told her that my husband and his mother have a very powerful soul tie (1 Samuel 18:1; Genesis 2:24) that needs to be severed, in order for liberation and restoration to return to our family. God wants to break those soul ties, and here is what the Holy Spirit is instructing me to tell you. Get a bottle of Olive Oil and anoint it. Put the oil on his phone, on his pillow, and on any form of communications your husband has with his mother. Make sure you pray and plead the Blood of Jesus, and read your Bible (Mark 6:13). First "Dawn" make sure you take what I told you before God and pray about it, to be in alignment with the Holy Spirit. I prayed, sought the LORD for confirmation of the prophetic word and felt this pull in my spirit from the Holy Spirit to follow the prophets instructions, so I went to town with the anointed Olive Oil. I anointed his phone, pillow, his head when he was sleeping, my children, myself, every entry and exit way of my home, the windows, and even the perimeter of my yard. I wanted my family and husband back, so I wanted to cover all my bases (Exodus 40:9).

Breakthrough, Freedom, Deliverance from GOD: It was October 2021, when my husband's eyes were opened to the ways of his mother (1 Corinthians 4:5). She did several things that broke his heart and he confronted her on them. She tried to lie about them all, but GOD opened my husband's eyes to the truth (Isaiah 32:3). GOD is a faithful and just GOD. HE delivers the oppressed, hears the cries of those who love HIM (Psalms 10:18), and HE answers those who diligently seek HIM (Proverbs 8:17). You see, I had to let go and let GOD direct my paths, and let GOD take control of the situation. GOD delivered me and my children; for 15 yrs and 10 months we suffered, but what GOD said to me was, "you only suffered a short time, but your husband suffered much longer". My heart broke when I heard that from the LORD, because I never saw it that way, and while GOD was delivering me and my children, HE was also setting my husband free from bondage. I can't put into words how much GOD loves us, but if my heart could speak it would go on forever about HIS enduring love. I thank GOD for Prophetess Talena Ray; HE sent me to her and I'm grateful to the LORD for her guidance and yielding to the Holy Spirit. GOD, I'm forever thankful and grateful to you for all things - For You Heavenly Father, Your Son JESUS, and the Holy Spirit.

Love your servant "Dawn"

– Dawn Kowalewski-Mitchell

"Ever Since I Can Remember…"

Prophetess Talena has been a blessing to me since birth. Talena and my Mom were Prayer Partners / Best Cousins. My Mom passed in 2004 and I knew Talena was the only other person that knew the Lord. One night I felt broken and needed prayer! I asked her to pray for me and my friends and she did! God moved in that living room! We all had the ugly cry faces after God spoke! It was things only God knew that He spoke through Prophetess Talena. That night my life changed for the better! All the wonderful things God said came to pass!! All glory and honour belongs to God!!

– Sherrita Coates

"Blessings Upon Blessings"

Everyday I wake up I thank God for giving me another day of life and the chance to do something good! I’m not overly religious however I’m spiritual, I believe in God and the power of prayer and his faithful servants! With that being said I’d like to take this time to personally thank you Prophetess Talena! You exemplify faithfulness and you’re the epitome of a God fearing woman! I’ve called on you a many a days with a broken spirit crying to the point of not being able to express myself clearly or correctly. If you weren’t able to answer my call you’ve ALWAYS returned my call and I’m truly grateful to you for that! At the end of each conversation after you’ve prayed, we’ve laughed, joked and talked about the days before God saved a wretch like you I’d get off of the phone smiling, happy, in a totally different frame of mind…but God and his anointing on your life! Everyone’s walk is different and I’ve always expressed to you how proud of the woman of God you have become! You’ve always been genuine with a beautiful spirit but now you’re a Faithful, Anointed, Servant of God! I love you INFINITELY my BEAUTIFUL SISTER!

– Leigh Perkins

"She Pushes All Women To Grow"

Talena Ray is a Dynamic Woman of God. She is a Woman of Faith who specializes in Life Coaching, Prayer, and Teaching the Word of God.

I have experienced the true power of God through Talena. Talena hung in there with me through a dark Valley and prayed me through and walked me out of oppression that tried to grip my life. I am very grateful to God for Talena's spiritual and therapeutic guidance. Talena's Love for empowering women to grow and be who God created them to be is cherished and a welcoming attribute for a woman of God in Leadership. I respect Talena's model of leadership she pushes all women to grow.

– Mika Waller

"She's A Rare Gift Indeed"

When my children were growing up, I’d often reiterate to them that, “just because something was freely given to them, it doesn’t mean that someone didn’t pay a price for them to have it”. The same is true of Prophetess Talena Ray. She’s a gift freely given by God to the body of Christ. However, no one truly knows what it cost her to be fit for the Master’s use. However, the fruit of such preparation is evident in her wisdom, love, modesty, humility, intercession, patience, long suffering, her passion for teaching and to disciple others, her honesty, and genuine heart for God’s people. She’s a rare gift indeed and definitely a value to anyone who encounters her! I know without a doubt that I wouldn’t be where I am in my life if God didn’t use her to pull me out of where I was and push me into my destiny!

Many years later, I am STILL able to see and be a witness to the fruit of her obedience not only in my life, but also in countless other people’s lives as well. I thank God that she didn’t give up even in her darkest days and in her hardest of battles. It’s because of her endurance and her willingness to allow the process to mature her that this ministry and countless women like me are STILL standing today!

Her life and calling truly are a gift to the body of Christ with an anointing to impact millions!

– KaTinka Matthews